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Snow Storm In New England – A Photography Opportunity!

January 3, 2014

New England Snow Storm 1-2-14
It’s snowing in the way I remember it did in the winters of my childhood – in huge quantities! It’s a beautiful snow. As someone said today, like “pillow feathers.”

It began to snow in the night last night and is expected to continue into mid-day tomorrow. The temperature is 3 degrees (F) this evening. Today, when I tried to take photos out a picture window, there was a layer of frost on the inside of the window! That’s how cold it is. (Fortunately, heavy drapes keep the cold from coming into the room.) I scraped away some of the frost and took pictures through the clearing! You’ll see them in the slideshow below.

Interestingly, my phone camera has captured a more realistic look – example above. For some reason my Nikon SLR started interpreting light in blue! I’ve edited them to tone down the blue but they are still kind of milky. I think the camera has trouble reading light when the snow is so white bright but there isn’t much light from the sun. Anyway, here are more images in a slideshow.

It’s cold, but it’s so pretty here in New England!

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4 Comments leave one →
  1. January 5, 2014 11:33 pm

    These are beautiful! The only time I’ve ever seen that much snow was the winter I lived in Northern California.


    • January 5, 2014 11:37 pm

      This is just like a practice amount…a warm up! A blizzard can drop three feet of it at once!


  2. January 3, 2014 12:58 pm

    Beautiful!! And the winter’s beauty deceives and distracts us from how very cold it really is! Brrr…. : #


    • January 3, 2014 10:15 pm

      Brrr is right! It’s 3 degrees (F) now and dropping! Hope you are enjoying the snow!


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