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Sunday’s Snapshot

February 9, 2014

Night BlossomsThis image was not enhanced in any way after I shot it. As with all photos, lighting was key to the look of this photograph. I’m timid to admit, I have no idea what my camera settings were that gave me this result. I took this photo a few years ago, and I think it was dusk and the camera was set on automatic and decided it was best to use the flash. Fortunately, the light only illuminated the plant. As it was at the edge of a pond, there was nothing more behind the plant for the  light to catch. In the lower right, the dim reflective glow could be reflection of the flash on the shore of a small island in the pond, some 30 feet beyond.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. February 14, 2014 10:24 am

    beautiful 🙂


    • February 14, 2014 3:08 pm

      Thanks, Joshi.

      I love the photo you posted today, Weary.
      It’s an astounding representation of humanity.
      I’d like to repost it here at sublime days, within a post.
      If you have any objection please let me know.
      Not sure yet when or how I’ll do it.
      Of course it will link to your site.

      Thanks again, Mary


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